As you may be aware, I maintain dbus-cxx, and I’ve been working on it lately to get it ready for a new release. Most of that work is not adding new features, but updating the code generator to work correctly. However, this post today is not about that work, it is about the work that I am doing on the next major version of dbus-cxx(2.0). Part of this work involves using new C++ features, due to libsigc++ needing C++17 to compile now. With the new variadic templates that C++ has(actually since C++11), we can have more than 7 template parameters to a function. (This limit of 7 is arbitrarily chosen by libsigc++, it’s not a C++ limitation.)
Because of this however, some of the code in dbus-cxx needs to change in order to work correctly. The main portion that I’m working on right now has to do with getting the DBus signatures to work properly. Here’s a small piece of code that is currently in dbus_signal.h(after running dbus_signal.h.m4 through m4):
/** Returns a DBus XML description of this interface */
virtual std::string introspect(int space_depth=0) const
std::ostringstream sout;
std::string spaces;
for (int i=0; i < space_depth; i++ ) spaces += " ";
sout << spaces << "<signal name=\"" << name() << "\">\n";
T_arg1 arg1;
sout << spaces << " <arg name=\"" << m_arg_names[1-1] << "\" type=\"" << signature(arg1) << "\"/>\n";
T_arg2 arg2;
sout << spaces << " <arg name=\"" << m_arg_names[2-1] << "\" type=\"" << signature(arg2) << "\"/>\n";
sout << spaces << "</signal>\n";
return sout.str();
This method is created once for each overloaded type that we have. The important part is that T_arg is created once for each argument that we have. With variadic templates, this is impossible to do. The way to get the template arguments out of the variadic call is to do recursion.
Recursion + templates is not something that I’m very familiar with, so this took me a while to figure out. However, I present the following sample code for getting the signature of a DBus method:
inline std::string signature( uint8_t ) { return "y"; }
inline std::string signature( bool ) { return "b"; }
inline std::string signature( int16_t ) { return "n"; }
inline std::string signature( uint16_t ) { return "q"; }
inline std::string signature( int32_t ) { return "i"; }
inline std::string signature( uint32_t ) { return "u"; }
template<typename... argn> class sig;
template<> class sig<>{
std::string sigg() const {
return "";
template<typename arg1, typename... argn>
class sig<arg1, argn...> : public sig<argn...> {
std::string sigg() const{
arg1 arg;
return signature(arg) + sig<argn...>::sigg();
int main(int argc, char** argv){
std::cout << sig<uint32_t,uint32_t,bool,int64_t>().sigg() << std::endl;
This took me a few hours to figure out exactly how to do it, so I’m at least a little proud of it! The other confusing part that I had to work out was how to use a recursive call(with signature()) also with the recursive call for the templates, which leads us to the following observation:
It’s recursion all the way down.
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